Ok so it has been almost 7 months not too bad right? Well since there has been so much that has happened I have just posted a few pictures and will give you brief descriptions of the last 7 months of our lives. You may have to go to the bottom and click older posts to get everything but I will start from the earliest to the latest so here it goes.
Christmas & Granny's & Gpa Hughes and they kids got so spoiled!

Christmas outfits . Yes I know they don't make kids cuter than this!

Rode the polar express with cousins. Thanks Gma Scott!

Our snowman @gma scott's house

One of our many attempts of baby food...ugh...but as of 2 weeks ago we finally got it. It only took 3 months!

Halloween costumes. Nathan and I were pumpkin farmers and the kids were the pumpkins we harvested! LOL

Reighely's halloween outfit.

Riggun turned 3! :( My baby is growing up too fast!

Can't decide what he wants to be...Jockey...cowboy...superhero...

We went to the dinosaur museum @ thanksgiving point and it took a lot of bribing to get Riggun to sit that close to the shark let alone smile!

I think this is a 3 month milestone pic. Thanks Crafts for this super cute outfit!

Riggun and his best buddy boston being silly @ coldstone. These 2 can't get enough of each other.

Blessing day.

2 month milestone pic

Alright folks that is our life for the past 7 months in a nutshell. We are so grateful for each other all our family and friends and have so many blessings. And I can't make any promises but I will try and get on the ball about updating again. Thanks for your patience!